How to stay updated with the Front-End craziness in just 3 repetitive steps.

Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2018


Front-End is evolving… wise people even state that it’s catching up with the more traditional types of programming such is Back-End or Desktop development in general.

Some of us started writing HTML / CSS / JS more than a decade ago and nowadays we write CSS in JS or JS in NodeJS or something that we think is HTML in JSX… Crazy isn’t it?

If you find it hard to keep up with the new stuff here are the 3 unorthodox things you need to do so that you are always one step ahead of the progress.

1. Can I use has news section!

This wonderful service is not only meant to be used as the ultimate safe check for the autoprefixer (which is using Browserlist > which is using Can I use).

Every new Front-End feature which is added to this website obviously can be found in its News section

It is quite cool to read about it, then go to the MDN for more details…

2. Browser intents

As you may know Chrome and Firefox ship new features pretty often. It’s really hard to keep track of the changes, but luckily enough somebody is doing just that.

Browser intents Github repo by Šime Vidas is the most up to date and accurate list of the browser intents. If you want to know what feature will be shipped next, make sure that you star and watch it

3. ECMAScript proposals

Prepare yourself for this one… tc39 is very transparent about what they do regarding shaping the future of the JavaScript. This off course includes that all proposals are on Github.

So wait no more, include the tc39 proposals repo in your watch list. Return to it regularly and you will not feel that new features of JS get released every other week

4. Edge of the Microsoft — bonus!

MS finally have the evergreen web browser. They recently added Sean T. Larkin to the team which really gives hope for the future of the Internet Explorer, oh I mean Edge.

MS Edge Platform status can show you the current state and plans for the future of the Microsoft browser

Repeat this steps from time to time and become the coolest kid around, by knowing the future before your peers and friends!

I am one of cool kids as well, so follow me here or on Twitter if you prefer that somebody else brings this stuff to you.

