3 types of engineer

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4 min readMar 2, 2017


There was period in my life when I needed to decide what should I do for a living. Because, you know… things like freedom (which we all crave for in teenage years) are quite expensive.

I must say that I always had passion towards computers. You know that specific kind of geek feelings one can experience while typing commands in MS DOS ❤
It turned out that it was both romantic and unrealistic. Since it gave me the impression that being programmer means sitting alone in front of monitor and dictating instructions to poor machine.
Bottom line, I thought that whole process of creating apps is more than less one-man band thing.

Chris Martin

I couldn’t be more far away from the truth…

One person can write a book, but surely can’t produce the full-length motion picture. In same way I think that being programmer / engineer in 21st century, more than anything else means being part of the team.
Diversity is powerful word. Still, I can say that in general there are 3 types of engineers.

Type 1


Talking about wolfs and individuality is kind of paradox. Wolf exist only within the pack. There’s no such thing like lone wolf, if animal do live like that it is either forced or in search for pack.
Wolfs are great team players and they realised (long before us humans) that successful teamwork requires wise and powerful leader.
That’s why they have alpha wolf. It’s not just a status symbol for that particular individual (remember… Talking about wolfs and individuality is kind of paradox).
Wolfs are aware that whole pack will fail if they don’t follow and help out the leader. In same way, alpha wolf knows that he is nothing without the pack.
I like wolfs. They are wise. Still, there’s one important thing to know.

Alpha wolf’s don’t like other alpha wolfs. They will fight each other for dominance until somebody ends up defeated.

Type 2


There’s a good reason why we say that dog is man’s best friend.
Dogs are loyal. They will do literally everything for us. Following instructions is what they do the best and they do that because they believe in their best friend.
There is one important difference between dog and a wolf.

When wolf gets rejected by his pack, his sole purpose is to form new pack.
When dog gets rejected by his best friend, his purpose is lost.

Dogs are reliable, dogs can do much on their own, but bottom line dogs are not good leaders because they are too dependent.

Type 3


Sheep are both beautiful and useful. They serve their purpose quite good.
Thing with sheep is that they have ultimate lack of ambition. They live and work stuck inside of comfort zone and they don’t see anything outside of it.
Wolf can get in sheep’s clothing but sheep will never try to pretend or become wolf.

It’s very important to know that sheep do apply copy-paste solutions no matter if it makes sense or not.

Type 4


Remember when I told that there are 3 types of engineer? Well… I lied.

You may wonder why this section doesn’t have a photo. Reason for that is simple. Shepherds don’t like photo shoots, or at least not ones where they are in front of camera.

What shepherds do like is knowing what is best for wolf, dog and sheep.

… and more than anything else, wolf, dog and sheep don’t know the big picture. Which shepherds enjoy looking at, while being aware that they all exist because of each other, serving one another. Even when it doesn’t look like that at all.

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